
bodyLab & Beauty

Would you like to break away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the hope of renewal? Are you looking for an exclusive, close-to-nature getaway? The renewed Hotel Bassiana offers a special bodyLab programme that warms both body and soul, offering a wide range of services for both hotel guests and visitors to the area: aromatherapy body wraps and wood massage, lymphatic massage, radiofrequency, mesotherapy and ultrasound facials, whether you are single for a pampering session or with your partner for a romantic getaway! Health is inner beauty!


Exclusive facial and body treatments

Professional cosmetics

Shaping machines from the world’s leading brands


Inquiry and appointment: +36 70 788 1188

Email: reservation@bassiana.hu

BEMER therapy

3.900 HUF (10,50 EUR) / 18 minutes
The service is available as an individual treatment or can be purchased as a 10-suitable voucher. The 11th treatment is free of charge for the purchase of 10-suitable vouchers!

BEMER devices improve the forward movement of small and very small blood vessels, leading to proper blood distribution in the network of the smallest blood vessels. BEMER is therefore an effective therapeutic option for many diseases and health problems. The device effectively helps blood to flow through the smallest blood vessels, thereby improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells and the removal of metabolic waste products. All other effects can come from the effect of improving microcirculation. Thus, among other things, it can help relieve chronic inflammatory pain, for example in the case of joint pain. It can support regeneration and healing after injury, improve immune function (because good microcirculation is the basis for optimal functioning of the defence system) and help alleviate sleep problems, as improved microcirculation can positively influence sleep cycles.

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ― Buddha

HIEMT body treatment

10.900 HUF (29 EUR) / 45 minutes
The service can be purchased as an individual treatment or as a 5 / 10 suitable voucher. The 11th treatment is free with the purchase of 10 suitable voucher!

HIEMT treatment is based on electromagnetic muscle building and fat reduction. The high intensity electromagnetic energy pulses force the muscles to work hard, which is accompanied by maximum contraction. This muscle work cannot be achieved by conventional exercise. Almost 20 000 muscle contractions occur during the 45-minute treatment. Simultaneously, muscle is built, fat is burned and metabolism is accelerated! It can be used to reduce abdominal circumference (fat burning), buttock lift (lifted and stronger glutes), tighten flabby arms and strengthen abdominal muscles, thigh muscles, trunk muscles (e.g. split abs). Highly recommended for the maintenance of muscles in athletes and athletes undergoing rehabilitation.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” – Mahatma Gandhi


8.800 HUF (23 EUR) / 45 minutes
The service can be purchased as an individual treatment or as a 5 / 10 suitable voucher. The 11th treatment is free with the purchase of 10 suitable voucher!

The principle of the Dr. Life wave massage is that the successive inflation of the air chambers in the treatment units, which can be placed on the limbs, produces a continuously alternating precise massage effect, a wave massage effect in the tissues, mimicking the “muscle pump” necessary for healthy blood circulation in the leg. Problems associated with impaired circulation begin at an increasingly younger age. In the long term, vasodilatation and varicose veins appear around the ankle, in the knee and thigh. If you want to prevent these problems or get rid of existing problems, or if you want to lose weight and slim down, choose a professional treatment that ensures positive well-being! We help you restore essential physiological processes!

“I discovered that if I love life, life loves me back” – Arthur Rubinstein


16.500 HUF (43,50 EUR) / 45 minutes
The service can be purchased as an individual treatment or as a 5 / 10 suitable voucher. The 11th treatment is free with the purchase of 10 suitable voucher!

The effective body scrub treatment combines the exotic method of aromatherapy with the positive physiological effects of scrubs, based on the cold-warm effect. The essential oils in the active ingredients are individually selected to act on the body’s internal heat balance, so you can lose centimetres of fat from problem areas by breaking down fat from the exact region you want to lose weight. The aim is not only beauty, but also health: detoxification, toning, detoxification. The treatment is not recommended in case of serious illnesses, diabetes, circulatory, respiratory or cardiac problems, pregnancy, breast-feeding and menstruation. 14 types of wood soaks, 11 types of aromatic oils, 17 types of pre-treatment and post-treatment substances, all tailored to the individual.

“If you want to be beautiful, you must start with your soul and your heart, because no cosmetic will work until you do!” – Coco Chanel

Germaine de Capuccini treatments

o 19.000 HUF (50 EUR) 90 minutes / body + face
o 11.900 HUF (31,50 EUR) 45 minutes / face only

The service can be purchased as an individual treatment or as a 5 / 10 suitable voucher. The 11th treatment is free with the purchase of 10 suitable voucher!

Allow yourself to be enchanted by the delicate fragrances of the products! One of our main criteria in the product selection process was to ensure that the cosmetics we offer are free of animal testing and are used by our professionals. The products use natural ingredients to restore our skin to the effects of our lifestyle and the external conditions of our age. After a skin diagnosis, even a facial massage precedes an effective and efficient treatment. Then, after a complex skin preparation phase, the treatment begins, which can be tailored to rejuvenate, deeply hydrate, firm, purify, revitalise or even do more in one!

“Although no one can go back and start over, anyone can start now to create a new finish.” – Carl Bard

Vacuum 65 body

14.500 HUF (38 EUR) / 45 minutes
The service can be purchased as an individual treatment or as a 5 / 10 suitable voucher. The 11th treatment is free with the purchase of 10 suitable voucher!

Hotel Bassiana is the only hotel in Hungary that offers Vacuum 65 body natural treatment! Using natural ingredients from Serbia and traditional and ancient recipes, the procedure is guaranteed to reshape up to 6.5 centimetres of the five measured body areas in a single session. This can mean up to 2.5 centimetres per area. The treatment is excellent for medical purposes: it speeds up metabolic processes in the cells, stimulates blood circulation and the lymphatic system, and reduces volume in the subcutaneous tissues. It has an excellent effect on the female hormonal balance, making it a therapeutic method for menopausal women and women with hormonal problems!

“Only those who don’t know how to use it well don’t have time.” – Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos